MERN Stack vs. MEAN Stack? | Which Stack Should You Choose?

There are many technology stacks for developers to choose from in web development. Furthermore, popular technology stacks for creating web applications include the MERN stack vs MEAN stack. MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) and MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js) are standard options for full-stack JavaScript development. In this post-VirtueNetz covers a few advantages and disadvantages, working of Mean vs Mern stack, and also covers which stack is best for your next project. Additionally, depending on project objectives, team skills, community support, and personal choices for frontend frameworks, one may choose between MERN and MEAN.

Stack: What Does It Mean?

An ordered, linear series of things can be saved as an abstract data type called a stack. Moreover, A stack is a group of technologies and frameworks used together to produce a whole solution for software development. Besides this, for instance, the LAMP stack, frequently used to create dynamic websites and online applications, consists of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.

MEAN Stack: Working &  Architecture

MEAN Stack:

The Mean Stack is a full-stack method for developing software that uses JavaScript to build both the front and back ends of an application. Furthermore, the four main technologies that make up each layer of the stack—the MongoDB document database—are together referred to as MEAN. They are MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.

Working &  Architecture:

MongoDB (a NoSQL database), Express.js (a web application framework), Angular (a frontend framework), and Node.js (a server-side runtime environment) make up the MEAN stack, a web development system. Besides this, It uses a full-stack JavaScript architecture to create scalable and successful web apps.

MERN Stack: Working &  Architecture 

MERN Stack:

A group of technologies known as the MERN stack makes it possible to build applications more quickly. Worldwide, developers use it. Besides this, the key objective of the MERN stack is to create apps that only require JavaScript. Furthermore, all four technologies that compose the technology stack are JS-based.

Working &  Architecture:

MongoDB (a NoSQL database), Express.js (a web application framework), React (a frontend library), and Node.js (a server-side runtime environment) make up the MERN stack, a web development framework. It uses a full-stack JavaScript architecture to create engaging and dynamic online apps.

MERN Stack vs MEAN Stack: Key Differences

Additionally, the following are the primary differences between the MERN stack vs MEAN stack:

  • MERN stack employs React as its frontend framework compared to MEAN stack’s Angular.
  • MERN stack follows a component-based architecture, whereas the MEAN stack follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern.
  • Additionally, the database used by the MEAN stack is MongoDB, while the MERN stack also uses MongoDB but can switch to another database if required.

Advantages & Disadvantages of MEAN Stack Development:

MEAN Stack Development Advantages:

  1. Frontend and backend development can be done in a single language (JavaScript).
  2. Reuse of code and easy maintenance.
  3. Data exchange via JSON.
  4. Node.js’s flexibility and mobility.
  5. Support for real-time WebSockets applications.

 MEAN Stack Development  Disadvantages:

  1. Beginners face a more significant learning curve.
  2. Lack of community support in comparison to more lasting structures.
  3. Transactions and secure data consistency need to be improved in MongoDB.
  4. The lengthy file sizes and complex syntax of Angular.
  5. The single-threaded design of Node.js may provide issues for complex processing methods.

Advantages & Disadvantages of MERN Stack Development:

MERN Stack Development Advantages:

  1. Effective use of JavaScript throughout the entire Stack.
  2. The dynamic DOM of React helps faster loading and better user experience.
  3. A rich environment and a strong sense of community.
  4. The ability to use additional databases in addition to MongoDB.
  5. The non-blocking I/O of Node.js allows it to scale and handle several requests simultaneously.

MERN Stack Development Disadvantages:

  1. Beginners face a more demanding learning process.
  2. Breaking changes and regular updates in React.
  3. Transactions and tight data consistency need to be improved in MongoDB.
  4. The absence of a built-in client-side rendering function in React.
  5. The single-threaded design of Node.js might reduce its performance for demanding processing tasks.

Comparing Full-Stack &  MERN Stack vs MEAN Stack

The advantages and drawbacks of mean vs Mern stack and full-stack development are particular to each. In addition, choosing between the two is based on the project’s needs, level of expertise, and the developer’s choices. In addition, let’s compare which is better mean vs Mern stack in terms of frameworks, description, and learning curve.


Full Stack the development of an application’s frontend and backend elements. The MERN Stack uses MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js for full-stack development. MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js are used in MEAN Stack for full-stack development.


Furthermore, full-stack development can differ according to the project’s needs and the developers’ choices. MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js are all components of the MERN stack and are all JavaScript-based. MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js (all JavaScript-based) are parts of the MEAN stack.

Learning Curve:

Full-stack development has a long learning process because it needs expertise in numerous frameworks and languages. Particularly for React and Node.js, the Mern stack is moderate to severe. For Angular and Node.js, in particular, the average Stack is high to steep.

Which is Better Mean Stack vs Mern Stack?

Which is better mean stack vs Mern stack? Let’s explore which one is better. MERN stack vs MEAN stack is in high demand on the market. However, the expanding use of React and its robust framework has increased the MERN stack’s appeal. Interestingly, The popularity of React, which enables good UI rendering and an active user base for developing interactive and scalable online applications, is another factor driving the strong demand for the MERN stack. 

What Should You Pick for Your Next Project: MERN Stack Vs MEAN Stack?

The comparison of the MERN stack vs MEAN stack makes it visible that each stack has a unique set of advantages and disadvantages. MEAN stack has a larger community, and a more developed collection of methods, while the MERN stack is becoming more and more well-liked because of its simplicity and usability. In addition, MERN beats MEAN in terms of security because it is more flexible.

The Sum Up

In conclusion, the MERN stack vs MEAN stack is well-suited for creating large-scale web applications because of their superior scalability, flexibility, and third-party support. Besides this, developers should select the Stack that best meets the project’s requirements and meets their area of expertise.