Add Personality & Trust To Increase Your Landing Page Conversion Rates

When we meet a new person, for no reason we either approve of him or we don’t. Wondering why this happens?

Unconsciously we make decision to trust or like someone, who is confident, poised, have a persona, and speak politely and directly. On the other hand, it is natural for us to disapprove a person who appears unattractive, weak and closed off.

Similar is the case with the landing pages of your site. Visitors are more inclined towards landing pages that have the appeal, trust building elements and high landing page conversion rates as compared to the ones that have poor graphics, low quality images and depressing color scheme.

Today, in the online world, landing page conversion rates are essential for turning website visitors into customers. Making them attractive and persuasive is crucial, but adding personality and trust can make them even more effective.

So how an online business can add personality and trust to its landing pages? Check out the following strategies to make your page user-friendly, trustworthy and most of all a conversion magnet that boosts revenue.

8 Effective Strategies You Should Follow Right Now

1. Add Images of People

A Harvard economist conducted a study in conjunction with a bank that dispatched letters proffering short-term loans to potential clients. In order to trigger psychosomatic responses, they varied the interest rate as well as some other cues, such as included pictures of smiling people in the corner of the letter.

The outcome of the study was beyond expectations. The letters bearing the pictures of happy wholesome female gained more positive response in contrast to the ones that have lower interest rate. This has once again proved that a picture can tell a thousand stories.

The reason being is images of people transmit trust better than any other image or text. E-commerce businesses therefore, shouldn’t refrain from adding real images of people. However, when it comes to image optimization one cannot throw in any smiling woman’s image on their page and expect to achieve good results.

You have to test the images before optimizing your landing page conversion rates.

Top Five Variables That An E-retailer or Web Design Company Has To Consider When Testing A Website

  • Serious or Smiling Image: Would you like to communicate happy professionalism or sincere professionalism?
  • Model or Stock Image: Most of the researches have revealed that images of real people have depicted better conversion rate over model or stock photos.  It is because we have a high trust and empathy level for people like us.
  • Direction of Eyes: Studies showed that eye directions actually matters. Why you think the smiling people in cover pictures are often directly looking at the USP (unique selling point)?
  • Individual or Group Shots: Generally, group focus work better than singles, but if the truth to be told it mainly depends on the type of business and testing.
  • Single or Album: Majority of the successful businesses prefer to go with album and if you take the same route make sure that each image should have its own unique selling point. Yet, it will be best for you to stick with a single focus image and single USP as it works better for companies.

2. Focus on Language & Tone

Online companies often fail to focus on the language and tone they use on their landing page. To manage a relevant, amiable, and user-friendly page, you must focus on the message as it frames your tone.

Let’s put it more plainly.

The objective of a landing page is not to sell your service or product, but to sell your users on your service or product. Here is the comparison between the two approaches:

When you are looking to sell a product/service your message will communicate how amazing your product/service is, what qualities it possess that none of the competitors can offer, and how customers can save their money by instantly placing an order.

On the other hand, when you are looking to sell your users on your product/service, you will talk about how it can resolve their problem, how it can change their life and how it will allow them to spend more time in doing things they love the most.

Below Are Some Examples of How Businesses Are Focusing on Benefits Instead of Features:

Example1: “No coding required! Publish to your site in a single click and save yourself time.”

Example2: “Getting your business the results you need by showing your ads where and when it most benefits you.”

Some More Tips:

i.    Try to make your landing page more personal by directly addressing visitors with terms like You, Your and We as they have a pleasant and friendly tone.

ii.    Emphasis value because visitors don’t like to follow orders instead they like to take action when they see a good proposition .i.e. use “Get access to leads” in place of “Buy now”.

Looking To Generate More Sales Leads?

Make use of the aforementioned strategies or hire VirtueNetz to create a crowd-puller landing page for your corporation.

3. Choose Colors Wisely

Colors impact how we feel and act. When creating landing pages, pick friendly and inviting colors that match your brand’s personality. Warm colors like yellow and orange can create positivity and excitement, while soft blues and greens can evoke trust and calmness. Aim for a consistent color theme that reflects your brand and connects with your audience, encouraging them to engage and convert.

4. Showcase Your Team

Make your ecommerce landing page business feel friendly and relatable to visitors. Include pictures or videos of your team members, especially those who interact with customers. Share short bios that highlight their skills and enthusiasm. By showing real faces, you create trust and approachability, making visitors feel at ease doing business with you.

5. Apply Client Testimonials

Customer testimonials are strong evidence that can build trust in what you offer. Show real and relatable testimonials on your landing pages. Use quotes or videos that highlight the benefits or positive experiences of customers. Include their names and, if possible, their photo or company name to make it genuine and believable.

6. Build Authority

Establish yourself as an expert in your field by showing what you know. Share helpful content like blogs, whitepapers, or e-books about your products or services. Use facts, stats, and research to prove you understand your industry and your customers’ needs. This builds trust and confidence in your brand.

7. Share Social Proof

Show social proof by adding social media elements to your landing pages. Display your follower count, share buttons, or live feeds from your platforms. When visitors see others engaging with and following your brand, it boosts your credibility and builds trust.

8. Showcase Certification Logos

If your business has earned industry certifications, awards, or affiliations, proudly show them on your landing pages. These logos build trust, assuring visitors that your business meets high standards and is recognized for excellence. Displaying certification logos can ease worries and encourage potential customers to become loyal patrons.


By adding personality and trust to your landing pages, you can create a positive and appealing experience for your visitors. Use friendly colors, show your team, and share customer testimonials to build trust. Sharing valuable content and social proof will boost your credibility. Lastly, certification logos inspire confidence in potential customers, leading to higher landing page conversion rates and online business success.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1. Which attributes describe a good landing page experience?

A great landing page conversion rates experience includes being relevant, having a clear action button, attractive pictures, loading quickly, working well on mobile devices, having trust-building elements, and being easy to navigate. This results in more people taking action and being happy with the page.

Q2. What is the role of ecommerce landing page for businesses?

The purpose of an ecommerce landing page conversion rates for small businesses is to attract potential customers, display products or services effectively, and increase sales and business growth.

Q3. How to improve landing page conversion rates?

To boost landing page conversion rates, keep your message clear and short, use a strong call-to-action, make the design user-friendly, ensure fast loading, try A/B testing, and use social proof and customer reviews.

Q4. What is good conversion rate?

The ideal landing page conversion rates differs for each industry and website type, but typically, it falls between 2-5%. Some high-performing websites can achieve 10% or even higher.